We’re at our happiest when we are travelling for our couples, and we had an amazing opportunity to provide San Francisco pre wedding photography for Pippa and Marty, thanks to perfect timing of our trip to the US last October! They live near the cosmopolitan city but are having a UK wedding celebration in Hertfordshire this month. Starting the shoot at a fantastic spot showcasing the city skyline, before heading across the water to beautiful Sausalito, we then made our way back to visit an amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Mother nature even provided us with the fog the city is so famous for!
If you have a favourite place or somewhere that is special to you, we’ll happily travel to give you amazing destination pre wedding photography. Pre wedding pictures can be so much more relaxed that the day itself, and allow us lots of time to experiment and have some fun. You could even have a post wedding shoot somewhere special to you – we headed back to Iceland after our wedding!
We highly recommend San Francisco as a place to visit, such a vibrant city that’s super to spend time in. We know the Californian road trip is a honeymoon favourite and having done it ourselves, we highly recommend it!
San Francisco Pre Wedding Photography by Lina and Tom – Destination Wedding Photography International Travelling Couple